If you are a manufacturer planning on integrating one of our products into your systems, you can choose from a variety of different seminars for your specific need.
You have further questions concerning our products? Feel free to reach out to us!

Introduction to CODESYS
This seminar is intended for manufacturers who want to gain knowledge in controller basics and CODESYS. It’s not directly related to a special TTControl product, but the contents of this seminar are prerequisites for further TTControl controller and HMI training.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
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Training Code |
Programming in CODESYS V2.3
This seminar is intended for manufacturers who want to integrate TTControl’s TTC 32 devices into their system. The focus of this seminar is the basic programming of the TTC 32, using CODESYS.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
Duration |
Training Code |
CANopen (Safety) Training I/O Module
There are two version of this seminar - one for the general purpose I/O modules TTC 30X and TTC 48X and one for the safety certified variants - TTC 30XS or TTC 48XS.
The seminars are intended for manufacturers who want to integrate any of these I/O module into their system. The focus of this seminar is the implementation of I/O modules to TTControl’s programmable controller and its configuration.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
Duration |
Training Code |
Programming in CODESYS V2.3
This seminar is intended for manufacturers who want to integrate the TTC 50 family devices into their system. The focus of this seminar is basic programming of the TTC 50 family devices using CODESYS.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
Duration |
Training Code |
Programming in CODESYS V3
This seminar is intended for manufacturers who want to integrate the TTC 500 family devices into their system. The focus of this seminar is basic programming of the TTC 500 family devices using CODESYS.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
Duration |
Training Code |
Safety Programming in CODESYS V3
This seminar is intended for manufacturers who want to integrate the TTC 500 family devices into their safety system. The focus of this seminar is basic programming of the TTC 500 family devices using CODESYS and a SIL 2 plugin.
Objectives |
Prerequisites |
Contents |
Duration |
Training Code |