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Who we are

Who we are

TTControl is a joint-venture company of TTTech and HYDAC International with locations in Vienna, Austria and Brixen, Italy. As a leading provider for functional safety, we unite two leading partners for the mobile machinery market.

We offer our customers worldwide the convenience of a full-service supplier for mobile controls and HMIs. With our application know-how, we can support them in the successful and cost-optimized market launch of their machines and give them the flexibility to respond to specific market requirements. This establishes the foundation for a strong partnership with our customers.

To the Fact Sheet

Cybersecurity at TTControl

Cybersecurity in mobile machinery  

Cybersecurity is increasingly important in the mobile machinery sector, as applications connect to the Internet and the cloud. Find out which EU regulations impact mobile machinery manufacturers and about cybersecurity at TTControl - both on company and product level. 

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System Integrators

As a joint-venture company of TTTech Group and HYDAC International, TTControl offers the combined expertise of these partners. In a number of markets we supplement this know-how with the local application and system integration competence of regional distribution partners.

GERMANY b-plus GmbH
GERMANY Weiss Mobiltechnik GmbH
SPAIN Controltec
ITALY U-Control
ITALY Lemaju

Our business in the People’s Republic of China  is handled via our local contact, HYDAC China:

If you would like to become a system integrator for us, please feel free to contact us at We expect all partners to fulfill a number of criteria concerning technical capabilities and commercial set-up, as well as to take part in annual training classes required for continued certification as partner.

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