TTControl Successfully Completed Safety Certification of Safety I/O Modules
May 05, 2015. TTControl, a joint-venture company of TTTech and HYDAC International specializing in robust and flexible control

systems and operator interfaces for mobile working machines, has completed the safety certification of its newly launched CANopen Safety I/O modules. Two variants of the TTC 30X family – TTC 30XSH and HY-TTC 30XSI – have been assessed and certified in accordance to EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Performance Level c) by TÜV NORD. At the same time the EC-type examination has been completed and approved and the EC declaration of conformity has been issued.
TTC 30XSH and TTC 30XSI are now certified, fulfilling EN ISO 13849 PL c requirements. They can be used as I/O extensions for safety-relevant functions of control systems for mobile machinery. The standardized CANopen Safety protocol is used for communication with the master controller. TTControl’s customers benefit from the TÜV certification: As an off-the-shelf module delivered with a ready-to-run software it can easily be integrated into a safety-relevant system. The relevant hardware metrics (MTTFd and DC values) of the module are available on an I/O level, therefore the performance level for the whole system can be easily determined as well. “TTControl is the only company on the market today to offer certified I/O modules for mobile machinery. We are proud of taking on a leading role with the completion of the certification of HY-TTC 30XSH and HY-TTC 30XSI,” states Christiana Seethaler, Director of Product Development at TTControl.
All modules of the TTC 30X product family are protected by a compact aluminum die-cast housing which is highly suited for rough operating conditions. They also provide a wide range of configurable I/Os and allow local current control for its PWM outputs. All I/O slave modules are delivered with a ready-to-run software and an electronic datasheet (EDS-File). When the master is programmed in CODESYS® the EDS-File can be easily imported into the CODESYS development environment. This makes the setup user-friendly and saves development time. For safety requirements beyond PL c TTControl also offers an I/O module solution for up to PL d with the TC 48XS module.