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TTControl is a joint venture of TTTech and HYDAC International that has been successfully providing mobile machinery controls for more than 20 years. TTTech has recently shared the news that it is divesting its 35.8 percent stake in auto-tech company “TTTech Auto” to NXP. TTTech has an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, and the transaction will strengthen both the position of TTTech Auto and NXP in the automotive sector, as well as that of TTTech, in its core businesses, among them the off-highway sector.  

TTTech is a leading group of globally operating high-tech companies headquartered in Vienna, Austria, that specializes in safety and security relevant digital solutions for the smart mobile machinery (TTControl), aerospace, industrial, and energy sectors.  

One of TTTech’s long-term strategic ambitions and greatest successes has been to build a bridge between proven, safe, and highly reliable technology from high dependability markets like aviation and space to the mass automotive and mobile machinery industries under the claim “aerospace safety at automotive cost”.  

The automotive sector was one of the first mass markets TTTech entered: TTTech Auto was spun off as an auto-tech company together with founding shareholder Audi in 2018 after a successful development phase. TTTech remained a core shareholder, most recently holding 35.8 percent of the shares. On January 7, 2025, NXP announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement (pending regulatory approval) to acquire 100 percent of the shares in TTTech Auto.

Core business areas like off-highway will benefit from the transaction

Apart from the automotive sector, the trend towards more automation and autonomy is also apparent and highly relevant in other markets, among them mobile machinery/off-highway, as well aviation and space, or the industrial and energy sectors. TTTech will reinvest a significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of its shares in TTTech Auto in core business and the further development of its safe and secure technology solutions in these markets.

Manfred Prammer, Managing Director at TTControl, comments: “We congratulate TTTech on this achievement. The reinvestment of the proceeds from the sale of the TTTech Auto shares by TTTech will also enable us at TTControl to drive more innovations in the field of mobile machines and reinforce our technological leadership. Our partnerships, including those in the semiconductor sector, will continue to thrive through TTTech's strong market relationships. We look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead and remain dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers and partners.”  

Find out more

 TTTech divests strategic stake in TTTech Auto to NXP to fuel future growth with technology investments in core business

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